Organising Committee Members

Mrs Rebecca CHOY YUNG

Founder & Chair, Golden Age Foundation

Mr Albert AU

Founder, Acesobee Limited

Ms AU Lai-chong

Group Deputy CEO, Delta Asia Financial Group

Mr Donald CHAN

Chief Operating Officer, Cherrypicks

Mr Herman CHAN

Founder, Eldpathy

Ms Judy CHAN

General Manager, Corporate Affairs, Towngas

Mr Kenneth CHAN

Chairman, Woopie Social Enterprises

Ar Donald CHOI Wun Hing, BBS, JP

Former Executive Director and CEO, Chinachem Group

Dr Hong FUNG

Executive Director & CEO, CUHK Medical Centre

Dr Gary Kui Kai LAU

Assistant Dean (Education Innovations), LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

Director, Stroke Research and Prevention Group (HKU Stroke)

Mrs Patricia LAU

CEO, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited

Ms Anita LEE

Co-Founder & CEO, Time To Gold

Ms Ophelia LIN

Founding President, SME Sustainability Society

Co-founder and Managing Director, Meiriki Japan Company Ltd.

Mr Lawrence LUI

Founder & Executive Director, Longevity Design House Ltd

Mr Ringo MAK

Co-Founder and Director of APAC SEP Ltd

Co-Founder of 350HK


Mr Godfrey NGAI Shi-shing

Chairman, The Elderly Services Association of Hong Kong

Ms Angela TO

Vice Chair, Golden Age Foundation

Dr TIK Chi Yuen

Legislative Councillor, HKSAR

Mr Antony WONG